We are starting the year with a new version of WOCU!
You know that we like to tell you the news and improvements of our monitoring solution and this time we have some interesting changes.
On the one hand we have improved some usability issues, now it is easier to access the Import Tool admin, we keep the searches you do in the WOCU HOME, we unify tabs and hide sensitive information…
We also continue to think about and implement ways to treat and serve WOCU information in a way that improves the performance of the application as a whole.
And of course, we are adding features that you ask for and that help to make WOCU a more complete tool, like the new availability period reports :D
As always, you have all the details in the RELEASE NOTES, inside the user manual.
Saving the search performed after reloading the aggregation page.
In this version and like the rest of the filters, the Search filter will keep the search performed after reloading the page, thus preserving the result obtained.
New graph of evolution of most problematic Domains on the Home page
A new graph has been added in the Global View: Home, in order to continue offering complete and updated information on the Kingdoms monitored in WOCU.
Specifically, this graph accurately presents the ten standard Realms with the most incidents recorded in the last 24 hours. In other words, it shows the evolution together with the sum of Device (Hosts) and Device Business Process (BP Hosts) outages, integrated in standard Realms only.
The vertical axis presents the numerical values as a scale, while the horizontal axis expresses the time (exact time within the last 24 hours).
In addition, the graph has the following functionalities:
Placing the cursor over any point on the graph will pop up an information window with the values recorded for the particular point. WOCU will first indicate the exact time of the record and then the total downtime value (sum of Hosts and BP Hosts) of the specific standard Realm.
Visualization of display_name in RRD graphs
Every device in WOCU is identified by its host_name which is a unique value and is not repeated in the rest of the device configuration. Given the nature of this identifier, in which it is usual to use numeric or mnemonic values, WOCU provides an additional value called display_name used to display the device name in the interface.
In this new version, the display_name value is also used in the RRD metrics graphs, thus improving the identification of the devices by the tool operators when consulting this type of graphs.
New Advanced Configuration access button in the Import Tool
To streamline daily operations for Administrators, the Advanced Configuration button has been added within the Import Tool, redirecting the user to the WOCU Import Tool's own Administration window.
Improved main aggregation page
The WOCU aggregation page has been improved internally with the goal of increasing its performance. Four significant changes have been implemented, which you can read about here.
New filtering option for SOFT type events
In previous versions, in the Monitoring Event List, both SOFT and HARD events were shown, generating very extensive lists with a large amount of information.
From this version onwards, the inventory will only show HARD events by default. And to include the excluded SOFT events, the new Include Soft Changes checkbox, located together with the rest of the filters, must be checked. By confirming this action, the inventory will load all events without any restriction.
New features
Hiding sensitive macros
Macros are elements that WOCU uses internally to store properties and information of the monitored assets, and may contain sensitive data. In these cases, those Macros with sensitive information, which are defined as Protected in the monitoring pack to which they belong, their values will be automatically hidden by the interface. Thus, in this new version, users will be prevented from viewing potentially sensitive information.
It supports filtering in the discovery of interfaces of the networkdevice-traffic pack.
The networkdevice-traffic pack allows to perform a discovery of the interfaces of a specific asset, in order to monitor its traffic.
For greater convenience in the configuration of the pack, the possibility of filtering by name and status in the discovery of interfaces has been added, allowing to recover only the discovered interfaces that comply with the established requirement and to exclude those that do not.
As shown in the following image, when the Discover button is clicked, only those interfaces whose name or description contains the text specified in the FILTER_BY_IFACE field or whose status matches the one specified in the FILTER_BY_STATUS field will be discovered.
Monitoring packs
New pack snmp-generic-advanced
This pack allows you to make all kinds of SNMP queries querying specific OIDs without depending on manufacturer-specific packs.
In order to use it you have to configure the OID to query, the type of data, and optionally units and text to add in the output of the check.
The queried OIDs can be of counter or text type:
- For counter type OIDs, if we choose the rate type, the check output will show the difference between the last value and the previous one, ideal for querying transfer rates or traffic volumes.
- For text type OIDs, we can define a character string (string type) or a regular expression (regex type). The check will take care of telling us if there is a match with the SNMP response.
Huawei manufacturer is supported in the networkdevice-mobile-signal pack.
The pack to obtain the information and metrics of mobile signal quality (3G/4G), now has support for the manufacturer Huawei, which is added to the already supported manufacturers Cisco and Teldat.
Support for Dell devices running OS 9.14+ in the networkdevice-cpu and networkdevice-mem packs.
The packs for CPU and Memory usage metrics now also support Dell computers with Dell OS version 9.14 or higher.
And if you think we have done a lot of things, I have to tell you that we still have some things hidden in the RELEASE NOTES v.0.38
Do you want to know how WOCU works? request a DEMO