Policy of providers
Analysis, pre-selection and approval of providers:
The Administrative Area, based on the needs of the organization and/or requests received by the different sectors, will organize a market/supplier analysis, requesting the areas that have a particular need to evaluate the following types of selection criteria (Functional, Technical, Economic, Strategic), which will be defined by the responsible area according to the type of product or service provided by the supplier.
The user/requesting area presents the project to the provider and generates an ongoing follow-up document through minutes. Progress will be presented to their bosses or will be followed up by the Managing Board if the project is key or strategic. All the information gathered is delivered to the Administrative Area, who will analyze the economic information, and share the result with the selected supplier.
The following are the supplier selection criteria:
Fundamentals (Applicant area):
- Previous experience
- Guarantee of service
- Features that meet the need
Technical (Technical Area):
- Operability over the infrastructure
- Information security and data privacy
- Technical support
Economical (Administrative Area):
- Offer
- Most favorable price
- Financing
Strategic ( Directive Board):
- Extra services from the one requested
- Delivery time
In the case of products and services with a low economic impact, no quotation and offer will be requested, instead, a price/quality assessment will be made at the discretion of the Administrative Area.
Evaluation and qualification for the selection of Suppliers
The administrative area will consolidate the criteria evaluated by each responsible area, and will record it on the "List of Suppliers" matrix, where compliance with the criteria will be analyzed.
There must be at least 3 quotations and the suppliers that meet at least 80% of the defined selection acceptance criteria will be taken into account. If more than 2 suppliers do not meet 80%, the process must be reviewed.
Of the suppliers that exceed 80%, the one with the highest percentage of compliance will be selected. If there are suppliers with the same percentage of compliance, a session will be held between the administrative area and the management of the requesting area to define the supplier with whom the product or service will be contracted.
Registration of new suppliers
All new suppliers will be registered by complying with the New Supplier Registration. Any supplier that fails to comply with any requirement agreed upon by both parties will be indefinitely banned from the portfolio of recurring suppliers.
The person in charge of the Administrative Area that manages this procedure will evaluate and select the offer that best meets the requirements, by generating the purchase order and, consequently, reaching the commercial agreement.
The person in charge of the Administrative Area that manages this procedure will evaluate and select the offer that best meets the requirements, by generating the purchase order and, consequently, reaching the commercial agreement.
Review and Follow-up of suppliers
The monitoring of the correct fulfillment of the activities contracted with the suppliers is the responsibility of the business departments in charge of such supplier, who will verify with the responsible departments regarding the defined monitoring criteria. The follow-ups must be performed at least once a year and every time a contractual relationship with the supplier is terminated and a renewal is required. This follow-up will be delivered by the user/requesting area to the administrative area, which will share the result of its evaluation directly with the supplier.
In the event of problems in the operation of suppliers that impact the correct operation of the company, the business areas will inform the administrative area, so that their service provision can be evaluated and a change of supplier can be considered.
The following are the evaluation criteria to be used to evaluate suppliers:
The following are the criteria for monitoring suppliers: Functional (Requesting Field):
Funcionales (Área solicitante):
- User experience
Technical (Technical Field):
- Detecting technical failures
- Paying attention before supports and requirements
- Incidents related to information security and privacy
In the Economic data (administrative area):
- Change in costs
Strategic ( Management Board):
- Modification of extra services
- Complying with delivery times
Evaluation and qualification for the Supplier follow-up
The administrative department will consolidate the criteria evaluated by each responsible department and will record it on the "List of Suppliers" matrix, where the supplier's compliance with the criteria will be analyzed.
If the supplier exceeds 80% compliance with the monitoring criteria, the contract with the supplier will be renewed; otherwise, a new selection process will be initiated in order to change the supplier.
Communication of requirements for the selection and monitoring process:
Before starting the selection process, suppliers will be informed of the necessary requirements in order to carry out the selection and the follow-up by means of an email shared by the Administrative area to said supplier, and informing them of the link on the corporate website where the guidelines are published.